Don’t settle. It’s Time to Rise and Become Who God Created You to Be.

Give me 30 Days and I will help you…

  • Uncover the hidden beliefs, patterns, and habits that limit you

  • Implement essential spiritual disciplines to increase

    the capacity of your soul to make the most of life

  • Elevate your ability to communicate effectively in stressful


  • Experience a proven process to discern God’s will

Discover the 30 Day RISE experience designed for you

RISE is a unique and personally designed three-part process:

  1. Explore: Join Jack for a 60-minute call to dive deep into who you are, how you got here, the challenges you’re facing, and what success might look like.

  2. Dialogue: Based on the initial call, Jack will put together a plan specifically designed to uncover the hidden obstacles between you and who God made you to be. This includes content from Jack to reflect on and process through together.

  3. Action: What good is knowing where you want to go and what stands in your way if you don’t do anything with it all? The answer is obvious: nothing. Discover how to implement the essential habits of the spiritual masters capable of elevating every area of your life.

  • For those seeking to improve the quality an important relationship by increasing the capacity to give and receive love.

  • For those seeking to say “Yes” to what is good and “No” to the thing they know isn’t good for them.

  • For those seeking to finally move beyond past pain or trial to experience healing, forgiveness, and meaning.

  • For those seeking to discover God’s will for your life.

  • For those seeking to nobly endure and make the most of a season of suffering.

Hi, I’m Jack

And my life completely changed the moment my mentor introduced me to ancient but proven pathways to cutting through the noisy distractions of life to actually hear God speak. Their wisdom brought me closer to the man God created me to be. It helped me find courage in times of uncertainty, clarity in the midst of confusion and strength to follow Him wherever He might lead. I want to do the same for you through RISE.

In true integrated fashion, I’ve combined philosophy from St. John Paul II, Ignatian spirituality, internal family systems (sound psychology), and Catholic mindfulness to create a deeply transformative 30-day experience.

Rise is a simple, easy to use, deeply transformative

  • Join Jack for a 60-minute call to dive deep into who you are, how you got here, the challenges you’re facing, and what success might look like.

  • Receive weekly reflections from Jack specifically designed to uncover what is hidden through a free app that is easy to use.

  • Each reflection features a mixture of psycho-spiritual education and a point of reflection specific to you.

  • To process the reflection, you will exchange messages with Jack directly for 1on1 coaching

Interested, but want to learn more?

Fill out the form and I’ll get back to you with 24 hours to schedule a short exploratory call!

I’ve taken some of the essential wisdom from John Paul II, Mother Teresa, and Ignatius of Loyola and put it in one transformative 30-Day experience.